Bossley Park Public School

Telephone02 9610 6286

School bell times

Bell times

Morning bell:                      8:50am

Scripture (Tuesdays)          9:25am and 9:55am


1st half                                10:55 - 11:15am

2nd half                              11:15 - 11:35am


Eating                                 1:20 - 1:30pm

Play                                    1:30 - 1:50pm

End of school bell:            2:50pm

Office hours

The school office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3pm daily. Money is collected from the office window on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30am to 9:30am.

Before and after school care

There are buses available to transport students to before and after school care venues at:


A Mobile One preschool is located within the school grounds. It is managed by Fairfield City Council and operates between 9am and 3pm Monday to Thursday. We have a close association with the preschool and many activities such as assemblies, Christmas and Easter celebrations are planned together. Students who attend the preschool have a natural transition to our Kindergarten in primary school. 

For enquiries about enrolments, please phone the director on 0418 667 556.